By Emma Hogan for Fit Planet
If you're new to home exercise it can be tough to establish a solid routine. But you can learn from the millions who’ve made it work. We recently reached out to some of the most prolific home exercisers to learn their tips for training success.
When it comes to home exercise there are five basic steps to success – you need to dedicate time to exercise, create a space to train, limit distractions, choose workouts you enjoy and make sure you get the variety you need to stay motivated and get results. Put these fundamentals into action and you’ll be well on-track to home exercise success.
If you want to really raise the bar and make sure you get the most from your home workouts, read on and consider these insider tips from those who’ve been successfully working out at home for years.
GET YOUR TECH SET-UP SORTED While streaming from your mobile or iPad is perfectly okay, you get a much more motivating experience if you’re hooked up to a bigger screen. This can easily be done by using an HDMI cable to connect your mobile or iPad to the big screen. If you have a Smart TV you can stream most workouts on your television and many believe that investing in Apple TV, Roku or Chromecast is also worthwhile.
Good headphones are also a sensible investment. Katarina Berggren from Sweden says she loves working out with a good sound system, and uses headphones to make sure she doesn't wake the family during her early morning workouts. Others say using headphones helps immerse them in the workout more, particularly if they’re working out outdoors.
BE INNOVATIVE WITH EQUIPMENT You certainly don’t need a home gym to do home workouts. In fact, most LES MILLS™ On Demand workouts can be done without any equipment at all. According to Les Mills Creative Director Kylie Gates innovation is key – and you can use bodyweight or even household items to safely and effectively build strength. Check out her tips for training without equipment below.
Rather than fork out for a swanky bike with a built in screen, UK-based indoor cycling fan Jennifer Martin, took an innovative approach. “I’ve fitted a stand to my bike that holds my 15’ laptop, so I can view RPM and THE TRIP, which looks awesome! It cost me best part of £5.”
Although you can certainly make do without equipment, others choose to use equipment purchases as motivation. Since starting at-home exercise Cathy Sheppard has slowly begun investing in SMART TECH equipment, she says having quality equipment helps motivate her, “I know I am putting my money to good use.”
While it’s super easy to stream workouts on demand, for many, internet instability makes downloading workouts the preferred approach. Regular home exercisers suggest you download a library of your favorite workouts so you always have them on hand. Downloading in advance also helps with routine says Debbie Tonkin from the UK, “I plan ahead which workout I want to do, download it, and set a time to do it!”.
Following a workout plan is a great way to stay focused on your fitness goals, but you shouldn’t let it cause you stress – so if you feel like deviating from the plan, go for it!
“Right now I am doing the Tone and Strength Amplify schedule, because I feel like I need something set in my life right now. However I try not to get upset if I suddenly want to do SH’BAM instead of BODYPUMP or if I want to do a shorter version of what's on the schedule. I let my body and my mood decide what it wants. The main thing for me is to enjoy the workout and not just do it because I feel I must,” says Gosia Mider who lives in the UK.
Hawaii-based Carol Yuen schedules her workouts for a whole month in a physical calendar and on her Google calendar, but she says she is very flexible and often mixes things up. ”I do the planning so I don't have to spend time thinking about what to do that day or the next. And also so my family knows that it's MY time and they do their best not to bother me!”
Gosia Mider is a strong believer in dressing for success. “I have a collection of bright, funny, cheerful workout clothes, including a tutu and rainbow wings! I can’t help but smile just thinking about them. These fun clothes actually make me want to put them on and work out.”
Cathy Sheppard records herself working out so she can keep track of her progress. “I can’t wait to put together my two year combat video! It is cool to see where I started and where I am now, it’s a real motivation.”
